Title card: A blue diamond, and within it is a white number 2 followed by a sigma symbol. This is the Two Sigma logo. On the right of the screen is this video’s title: “Two Sigma People Talk About…Our Colleagues.” Calming yet inspiring music is played in the background.
Opening Scene: An Asian woman with shoulder-length dark hair, wearing an orange sweater says, “So I interned at Two Sigma last summer, and I returned this Fall, primarily because of the people I met.”
Next scene: An Asian woman with dark hair, wearing glasses and a black shirt says, “I feel that people can succeed in multiple ways at Two Sigma. We’re definitely very open-minded and I see people from many, many different backgrounds, they all thrive here.” As she says this, the scene cuts to a clip of her talking, now wearing a brown sweater, laughing with a female coworker wearing a white top, as they both look at a laptop in an office space.
Next scene: An Asian woman with long dark hair wearing a white button-down top says, “The one thing that stuck out to me about Two Sigma was that the people who a- recruited me and b- kind of who I spoke to throughout my recruiting process were all very different and very genuine. And I feel like that’s definitely held true going forward in my last couple of years here.” While she says this, the scene cuts to a conference room and three female coworkers- one with long dark hair wearing glasses and a dark blue button-down shirt, another with light brown hair wearing a white and gray long-sleeve shirt, and the last one with long dark hair wearing a black blouse. We see them working, smiling, and laughing with each other, showing the friendly culture the workers create at Two Sigma.
Next scene: A Caucasian man with short brown hair, wearing a navy blue button-down with white polka dots on it says, “The people who really, I think, fit in super well here, are people who are nice and modest, but have a very strong quantitative background and an interest in pursuing these challenging quantitative questions.” The scene cuts to different angles of the interview and then cuts to the man working on his computer while sitting in a big lounging chair within the office that has a blue exterior and purple cushions.
Next scene: An Asian man with short dark hair, wearing a navy blue button-down shirt and blue jeans says, “What attracted me to Two Sigma is that there are so many experts here and the environment is very encouraging.”
Next scene: An Asian woman is walking on a spacious balcony overlooking the city. There are tables and chairs against the building and benches along the balcony’s edge and railing. She walks in the center, writing on a notepad. She has dark hair and glasses and is wearing a long jacket that reaches her mid-thigh layered over a mustard yellow sweater and dark pants. The scene cuts to a close-up that pans from her notepad up to her face and then cuts to her being interviewed, where she is now wearing a black sweater, saying, “Honestly speaking, finance wasn’t on my list when job hunting. But when I came here and when I meet all these people, everyone was so smart and so friendly and so sincere. And I feel like my skill set can truly be truly valued here and that is something really important to me.”
Next scene: An Asian woman with dark mid-length hair, wearing a blue flannel shirt says, “They were so welcoming and helpful that now I feel like I’m making contributions to the time that I definitely couldn’t have had nine months ago.” As she says, the scene cuts to her sitting down at a table with a computer in front of her displaying code. She attentively works on the computer as two men standing beside her look over her shoulder at the screen as well. We cut back to her interview as she concludes her statement.
Next scene: Three colleagues are sitting in a triangle formation. There are two Caucasian male colleagues that are smiling and speaking to each other, one wearing a red button-down and the other wearing a red graphic t-shirt. The female colleague has her back to the camera as she works on her laptop. The scene cuts back to the man from earlier, wearing a navy blue button-down with white polka dots. He says, “This is a place where people, you know, like to think about hard problems and, you know, have a creative side and are smart, and want to kind of combine those two.”
Next scene: A group of around 10 Two Sigma employees are all wearing what appears to be matching team t-shirts that display the word “SIGMANAUTS” on the front, while the back of the shirt shows two words–“robot” and “builder” with a checkmark next to the word “builder”. The team is clapping and seems to be celebrating while huddled around one of their robotic inventions. While this is being shown, we hear the woman with dark hair and glasses from earlier in the video begin to speak, “This is just the perfect place to be.” We cut back to her interview. She smiles and says, “So, yeah, I’m pretty happy I made that decision.”
The interview fades to black and in the center of the screen, a blue diamond appears, with a white number 2 and a sigma symbol displayed within it. This is the Two Sigma logo. And below, the words “Two Sigma” are displayed underneath.