Author: Tiezheng Li (Two Sigma)
Presented at: PyData NYC, 11/28/2011
Abstract: BeakerX is a collection of kernels and extensions to the Jupyter interactive computing platform. Its major features are: 1) JVM kernel support including Java, Scala, Groovy, Clojure, Kotlin, and SQL. The kernels are built from a shared base kernel that includes magics and classpath support. 2) a collection of interactive widgets for time-series plots, tables, and forms. There are APIs for our JVM languages plus Python and JavaScript. 3) prototype autotranslation for polyglot programming 4) One-click publication including interactive widgets, and 5) a data browser with drag-and-drop into the notebook. The presentation will include a demo of BeakerX and discussion of its history and relationship to its predecessor the Beaker Notebook.